fjc_full2FedJobsConnect is a service that helps people find and land jobs with the federal government, based on my client’s more than 30 years of service in and extensive knowledge of their hiring practices and various job requirements. It was a business in its infancy, and the client was fairly new at doing business online when she came to me. Because of that, the site needed to be flexible enough to grow with her as she got more comfortable with using it and found new features that could help her out. I decided to go with a WordPress installation (using the “Enterprise” theme on the Genesis framework as a base), and build a fairly simple site to start. The only fancy feature that she really needed was the ability to add and edit an “events” calendar for various job fairs that she wanted to encourage people to attend (which was handled with a plugin).

The main goal of the site was to explain what she does and guide the user toward contacting her, armed with a good sense of what they’re calling about. Since she had already attempted to create her own site using a website builder program provided by her host, there was already a good amount of content that just needed to be edited and organized. After that, it was a matter of flow and aesthetics. A good amount of customization was needed in order to not only convey the branding that she had already established (including a redesign of her logo), but also to ensure that the site was fully responsive to mobile devices.

Though the business is no longer active, you can still view a demo of the site in my portfolio.

Check out the Fed Jobs Connect website